Contact me at because I'm always up for a natter about anything. Well, mostly.

Friday 18 March 2011

100th Post

Well, here we are. Eleven months after starting this blog I'm hitting my hundredth post. To be honest, I'm amazed. This is the longest I've stuck at anything I'm not being paid for! So, in order to celebrate, I've decided to share a couple of lists and facts about me. They may be uninteresting, they may cause you to edge away slowly. Either way, I'm sharing!

Five Things I've Learned From Blogging
  • That getting my thoughts out, even if nobody is actually reading, is an excellent way of clearing my mind. You write it down, you move on.
  • That there are many fascinating people out there who are willing to teach you whatever they can (more of that later).
  • Opinions are worthwhile, even if you don't agree with them. And, for crying out loud, be polite about them! What's the point in making enemies? Freedom of speech is a novelty many people in this world don't enjoy!
  • That writing about my progress spurs me on to actually... well, progress. No more sitting on my hands and singing along to musical ballads.
  • Bloggers are an excellent resource for finding about out new books. Generally, their opinions are sound (and they disclose any bias beforehand!), plus you get to know the book bloggers who have similar tastes to you. Much better than Amazon recommendations!

My Five Favourite Posts On This Blog
Five Facts About Me
  • My favourite film is The Harvey Girls. I may say that it's The Wizard of Oz but that's just because I don't think you'll have heard of The Harvey Girls.
  • I am a Gleek. I may find the plots ridiculous and the characters flimsy but I like the songs. Where else on mainstream television could you have a gay character singing 'Rose's Turn' from Gypsy?
  • I get very heated over political matters. In order to stop such posts clogging up this blog, I created one especially for politics and current affairs:
  • I started off my writing as a fan fiction writer. While it's much derided as stealing other characters, I appreciate the chance to study sentence structure and plotting before I moved onto creating my own characters. Baby steps, that what was needed.
  • While my faith in other aspects of my life wavers daily, I don't think I could ever stop writing. It's in my blood. And, even if the only people who read it are my best friends, at least it's being read. If nothing else, I'm reading it.

Five Bloggers Whom I Adore
  • The Victorianist: Far more than just a resource, this blog is a wealth of odd and involved information. It both helps me with my studies and entertains me.
  • Steven Chapman: Even if zombies creep you out, the posts on this blog are hilarious and thought-provoking. They always bring a smile to my face as I edge away from Steven quite quickly.
  • Book After Book: An exceptional book reviewing blog which I'm grateful to for enlightening me about the LGBT Book Challenge 2011.
  • Becky's Book Reviews: Another prolific book reviewing blog. Many a book added to my wish list because of this one.
  • Scandalous Women: What it says on the tin. Every post is intriguing, particularly because half of the time I hadn't heard of what's being discussed.

So, here's to another hundred posts. And maybe beyond! I'd like to thank all the visitors to this blog and bow at the feet of everyone who has commented on it. Allow me to leave you with some images from my favourite film.


Steven Chapman said...

Hey, I'm not all about zombies! I write about murderers and villains and other monsters too! Ok, you’d probably do well to back away from me actually…

Well done on reaching 100 posts! Blogs are great ways of spurring on progress and keeping you motivated. Here’s to another hundred…and more!

And pssssst, it’s Steven! No worries, everyone spells it PH *grrr*

CharmedLassie said...

Gaargh, corrected it now! Blame my brother for having it spelt the other way.

Sorry I forgot to mention your multitude of scary things, how remiss of me!

Martina Boone said...

Congrats on the 100 posts! Here's to many more.


The Amateur Casual said...

Thanks for the extremely kind mention, much appreciated, & well done on post #100

CharmedLassie said...

Thanks, Martina! And you're welcome, AC, your posts always inspire (and distract!) me.