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Wednesday 27 August 2014

News: A Wakefield View of Westminster - Available Now

(Cross-posted at One Yorkshire Voice, my political blog)

Dartside Press have just published a compilation of my political blog posts and articles, gathered from four years of observation and irritation. Spanning 2010-2014, the pieces in A Wakefield View of Westminster have been collected from various sites, edited and, where appropriate, commented on. It's rather fun looking at predictions from three years ago and seeing where we've actually ended up. Well, fun and depressing in some cases.

I'm fairly non-partisan, though I have to admit that Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg come in for quite a lot of criticism throughout the collection. On issues such as Europe, HS2, the bungling of welfare reform, democracy and party politics, I'm very vocal - and unapologetically so. These are just my opinions, of course, but I hope they're an entertaining read.

The book can be bought from Amazon here.

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